Category Archives for "Blog Posts"

My Dad Dying Was His Greatest Gift To Me

It’s been seven years today since my beautiful dad suddenly passed away. There is something special about the number seven. It has made me reflect a lot over the last few days. And when I reflect I always draw through much wisdom and I wish to share this wisdom with you, so that you may […]

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EFT For Children – When I’m Feeling Angry

This morning my little man and I made a special video to help other children release their anger. You can check it out here! Anger is an emotion that I see lots of children struggle with, and lots of parents really struggle with how to support their child when they are experiencing anger, particularly when […]

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A Message To The New Mum In The Café

I was recently sitting in a café and my heart broke a little. Surrounding me, were my three little peeps, in various stages of drawing, reading, eating, arguing, fighting, whinging…..a pretty normal scene for any mother with a 9, 7 and 5-year-old. My heart was not breaking because my kids where being, well kids. No […]

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What Is Kinesiology

Kinesiology helps you access the inner knowing of your body, and to unlock the path to your potential. What Is Kinesiology? Initial research began in the U.S in the 1930′s and was expanded in the 1960′s by chiropractors embracing techniques derived from Chinese medicine using acupressure and meridian systems.  Kinesiology combines this knowledge with modern […]

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Do You Have Faith?

As George Michael famously sang ‘You’ve Gotta Have Faith’. When we embark on a journey into our ‘Self’, of healing, of growing, of changing – we require enormous amounts of Faith. Faith to take that first step. Faith to step into the unknown. Faith that even if you fall you will be ok. Faith that […]

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Do You Ever Feel Like You’re Sabotaging Yourself?

Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Sabotaging Yourself? Guess What? Children Do It Too! I worked with my beautiful little girl today. Just a quick 20-minute treatment to help her overcome some challenges that she’s having at school. We set up four goals to focus the treatment and really zone in on what was […]

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Are You Allowing?

Are You Allowing? At some point, you just have to choose to stop struggling and fighting with this life that you have been gifted and allow yourself to be supported in your journey. Allow the light that surrounds you to support and guide you! Trusting that which you cannot see requires Faith. Faith in something […]

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The Greater The Struggle The Greater The Reward?!?!

The Greater The Struggle The Greater The Reward…..Really? Really? So, I’m in the middle of a hot power yoga class the other day when I thought ‘this is just insane-I’m sweating profusely and my muscles are screaming to stop and OMG I love this. I couldn’t love this more….because I know the more I’m struggling […]

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