'Beneath The Veil' Launches to 5-Star
International Review
Step into your own path of becoming. Begin by reading Beneath the Veil. Unforgettable!
“The battle between the outer and inner Self is the most challenging relationship we will ever encounter; all difficulties we experience with others is simply a reflection of the disharmony that exists within the Self.” So writes Clara’s Aunt Maeve in Beneath the Veil as she helps Clara come face to face with all the pain and darkness that has held Clara locked inside herself since being cruelly whipped at the age of 7, and later sexually abused by her own brother. As a victim of childhood sexual abuse myself, I knew Beneath the Veil by Bernadette O’Connor was a must-read. I expected a suspenseful, gripping, possibly even triggering story, but I didn’t expect the horror and revulsion I felt as Clara, and later Maeve, shared the disturbing details.
Beneath the Veil is set in Ireland during the time of the Magdalene Laundries. It’s a time when young girls are expected to rigidly adhere to the teachings of the Catholic Church. The man of the family rules, as does the parish priest, and woe to any female who dares, as Clara did, to speak the truth about what goes on behind closed doors. Clara buries her secrets of abuse so deep, the victim inside her believes she’s to blame for what has happened to her. The journey back to her real self, to reconnecting with that inner child, the virginal maiden she never had a chance to enjoy, is an arduous one but with Maeve’s help Clara realizes that freedom comes “from being outside the walls that I had constructed within myself. No one kept me imprisoned except my belief that I was a victim, and the stories I created to keep me in that space.”
Beneath the Veil is a brilliant book. So many victims of abuse are writing their stories these days; several have become therapists or healers. Many include pointers at the end of their books, but this is the first book I’ve read that actually takes one through the process of healing, seamlessly evolving from the plot line into a self-help book without being preachy. There is a spirituality, a divine essence to the process depicted by Maeve, which I gather is what the author uses in her own practice of kinesiology and advance theta healing. As O’Connor writes: “I am not my past, nor am I my future. I am me, just a girl who has become a woman and evolving into a wiser one. And as I share this wisdom with others, I hope they may be inspired to step into their own path of BECOMING." Step into your own path of “becoming”. Begin by reading Beneath the Veil. Unforgettable!
Viga Boland, Readers' Favorite
Bold and empowering, Beneath The Veil is a reminder
that there is light in times of darkness.
'Beneath The Veil is the second novel from Australian author, Bernadette O’Connor. Let’s Go Home was released to great success in 2018 and while I had not read it, I was looking forward to reading O’Connor’s second novel. Set in Ireland, the story is told in the first person, beginning with the Holy Communion of seven year old Clara. From this first meeting, it is evident that Clara, and all the women in her family, lead a hard life in a patriarchal society. Clara is seen to be different, hearing voices and seeing visions. This, as well as being female, means that she is a threat to men in the family and abused. Physically by her father and sexually by her brother, Vincent. Clara’s mother stands by helplessly during these times. She teaches Clara to say nothing by her actions and with the words she uses the few times she acknowledges Clara’s abuse. Despite the years of suffering, Clara has a voice inside her that won’t allow her to take the abuse. Meeting with her Aunt Maeve, starts Clara on the long journey back to self worth and happiness. Aunt Maeve too has been dealt the same hand as Maeve, this time with the abuse of power by a priest. It was rewarding to go on the journey with Maeve in the second half of the book, seeing both women grow and heal over time as they come face to face with the past. Bold and empowering, Beneath The Veil is a reminder that there is light in times of darkness. Certified Book Addicts
This story will stay with the reader long after they’ve reached ‘the end.’
At the tender age of seven, Clara knows all too well the meaning of compliance. She must obey her father in all matters, and when he’s not there, her brother, Vincent, rules their household in an iron, and vicious, grip. And in a close-knit God-fearing community where reputation, appearance, and patriarchal rule are everything, young Clara struggles to follow the confining nature the small village covets. Violated, abused, humiliated and abandoned by the people meant to protect her, Clara grows into a world of pain, horror and the notion she deserves the punishment inflicted upon her. To them, and more importantly, in Clara’s fragile mind, she is nothing more than a dirty sinner, a filthy, slovenly, good-for-nothing female.
But there is more to Clara than any man in an abusive position of power can contain. Through reconnecting with her aunt, who’s experienced similar atrocities at the hands of a priest who violates his position within the church, Clara regains her sanity, her control, and her long lost love of life. And by confronting her past and the men intent on holding her back, Clara exposes what lies ‘Beneath the Veil’ and proves herself worthy of a Divinity and truth they can only hope to possess.
This book will drag you down to the dark depths, toss your emotions around like a ship caught in stormy, raging seas, and then guide you into the calming light again as you travel through its pages. Clara’s (and Maeve’s) story brings heartbreak, disbelief, anger, (there were times when I had to step away from this tale to regather myself) and then brings you forward. The reader feels what Clara and Maeve feel as they cross from a world of despair into a place of empowerment and knowing and finally a sense of peace. I loved the mystical elements weaved throughout the tale. This story will stay with the reader long after they’ve reached ‘the end.’"
Danielle Line
Let's Go Home Launches to 5-Star International Review
Immediately prior to the launch of Let's Go Home in February 2018, an independent reviewer from Reader's Favourite awarded it a 5-Star rating, describing it as 'A beautiful story. One to be read with heart.' This proved to be a powerful indicator of what was to come when Let's Go Home immersed herself into the hearts and minds of readers globally.
A book with depth and wisdom that will sit with you well after the final chapter.
'Let's Go Home, Finding There While Staying Here is a book that is written from a place of consciousness. It spoke to me in a way I was not expecting and I found I could relate to the protagonist Halia on so many levels and for this reason felt the deep emotional pull of the character as she developed. The story flowed in alignment with the growth of Halia as she moved from struggle through a deep healing journey that explores her past experiences and their impact onthe present. The book was easy to read, and I found myself drawn back to it until I was complete. The story remained with me for many days as I felt myself contemplating the themes of love and loss, healing, spiritual growth and the central theme of finding the sense of home within. I highly recommend Let's Go Home to anyone who has ever felt lost, abandoned, empty and inadequate and seeks to find their way out of that place.'
Saskia Miles, Amazon
Here is a beautiful story, one to be read with the heart.
'Let’s Go Home: Finding There While Staying Here by Bernadette O'Connor is a moving story that deals with the psychology of being home, of feeling at home with oneself, a story of love and loss, and one woman’s journey to transcend her inner darkness and reconnect with love once again. When the story begins, the protagonist, Halia, is desperate to recreate a memory of love, an experience of ecstasy that happened just recently. To people who see her from the outside, she is a happy woman, but she carries a painful world within her. To experience her freedom — the freedom and joy that inhabited her soul as a child — she will have to transcend her pain, but how? Follow her journey as she meets with a dad who abandoned her, learns from the friendship she shares with Snow, and receives guidance from a wise woman.
Bernadette O'Connor’s debut novel is well-written and I loved the compelling first person narrative voice. It’s easy to relate to the protagonist because she is genuinely flawed and readers can easily find themselves in her experience. The author was able to capture the psychological truth that once we have had a wonderful experience of love, we can spend our lifetime trying to recreate that experience. There is deft development of the internal conflict taking place in the protagonist. The author uses contrast to build this conflict. For instance, the narrator says: “I was not scared. I was not scared when I was a kid. I was free and did whatever I wanted. Nothing really held me back.” But time has passed and she’s been transformed into someone who is scared of being alone. Can she be the child she once was again? Let’s Go Home: Finding There While Staying Here is a beautiful story, one to be read with the heart. Readers will enjoy the steady pacing of the story and the powerful streams of consciousness that punctuate the narrative.'
Romuald Dzemo (Reader's Favourite)
A book of great wisdom
'I started reading Let’s Go Home, and wondered what all the fuss was about. Then as I got into the book I couldn’t put it down. So many of us, like Halia, have loss in our lives that shows up in different ways and it can totally overwhelm us. Each new chapter was unpredictable. Halia’s life was a rollercoaster of unexpected twists and turns. The tools and strategies Halia eventually learns to use are life changing for us all to learn from. So much wisdom in this book! I will live my life differently because I have read this book. It would be a great book for Book Clubs to read as wonderful discussion would come from it.'Monica Scanlon
“I will live my life differently because of this book”
A Joy To Read
'Reading Let’s Go Home, took me back to a place and time many years ago reading The Celestine Prophecy. Like Celestine Prophecy, it is a wonderful story yet has so many insights and wisdoms for how we can heal and live our best life. Let's Go Home enabled me to reflect on my own life and provided a number of ‘aha’ moments in its subtle messages and teachings.'
Melissa Histon
'I've already read this book a few times and it seems that each time I get some new nugget of wisdom from it. At first glance, you may think that this is simply a nice story about a woman who goes on a journey to find herself. But when you look a little deeper, you'll find that there are parts of Halia's story in each of us and that in each part of her story, somewhere along the line, there will be a piece that resonates with an experience you've had in your life. And that's where we can learn and grow with this book. It's heartfelt. It's engaging. It's full of hope. It's worth every moment you spend devouring it.'
Cat Mead
'It had me from the very beginning and I couldn't put it down for very long between reads. I spent a lovely indulgent weekend sharing Halia's story with her and missed her when I'd finished. She inspired me though! She got me thinking and she got me writing and making positive changes. Thanks Halia!'
Lisa Fletcher
'What a great book to challenge your perspective.
Halia's journey, trials and tribulations show you the way to deal with some of the huge problems that happen in your life. Bernadette has done an amazing job writing this to capture the emotions and feelings. Highly recommend this to all my friends.
Glen Morris
A Joy To Read
'Reading Let’s Go Home, took me back to a place and time many years ago reading The Celestine Prophecy. Like Celestine Prophecy, it is a wonderful story yet has so many insights and wisdoms for how we can heal and live our best life. Let's Go Home enabled me to reflect on my own life and provided a number of ‘aha’ moments in its subtle messages and teachings.'
Melissa Histon
'I've already read this book a few times and it seems that each time I get some new nugget of wisdom from it. At first glance, you may think that this is simply a nice story about a woman who goes on a journey to find herself. But when you look a little deeper, you'll find that there are parts of Halia's story in each of us and that in each part of her story, somewhere along the line, there will be a piece that resonates with an experience you've had in your life. And that's where we can learn and grow with this book. It's heartfelt. It's engaging. It's full of hope. It's worth every moment you spend devouring it.'
Cat Mead
'It had me from the very beginning and I couldn't put it down for very long between reads. I spent a lovely indulgent weekend sharing Halia's story with her and missed her when I'd finished. She inspired me though! She got me thinking and she got me writing and making positive changes. Thanks Halia!'
Lisa Fletcher
'What a great book to challenge your perspective.
Halia's journey, trials and tribulations show you the way to deal with some of the huge problems that happen in your life. Bernadette has done an amazing job writing this to capture the emotions and feelings. Highly recommend this to all my friends.
Glen Morris
'Bernadette O'Connor's debut novel served as a powerful reminder to know our limitations when it comes to forms of escapism. What I learned from reading this book is that overcoming personal or family conflict involves the willingness to make the effort. In this case, O'Connor introduces us to the meaning of healing the soul as well as the mind and body.
I also appreciated how O'Connor made Halia's life after healing more challenging for her, which I thought was a realistic approach; especially for those readers who may be unfamiliar with holistic practices. The narration from Halia's point of view encouraged me to support her journey whilst Tabitha's dialogue enhanced the book's soulful perspective.
Let's Go Home: Finding There While Staying Here was an interesting and thought-provoking book with key themes such as being true to yourself, love, grief and forgiveness. I would recommend it to readers who would like to know more about finding their own truth and the value of self-worth.'
Juanita Pirozzi
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