Category Archives for "Blog"

Who Is The Girl With The Veil?

​The little girl with the veil. Shoulders back, eyes lowered. Reverent. Silent. Fearful.​1983, the little veiled one walking into the Irish village church, the whispers, the stares. ‘She’s the one from Australia,’ the children whispered.’Isn’t she Paddy O’Connor’s youngun. He’s back from Australia you know. Just for the visit,’ an old lady claimed knowingly.​’Ah bless and his […]

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Readers Favorite 5 Star Review For ‘Beneath The Veil’

Readers’ Favorite is one of the largest book review and award contest sites on the Internet. They have earned the respect of renowned publishers like Random House, Simon & Schuster, and Harper Collins, and have received the “Best Websites for Authors” and “Honoring Excellence” awards from the Association of Independent Authors. They are also fully […]

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Are You A Channel For Your Lead Characters?

Am I a channel for my lead characters?I was asked this question often when I described how I wrote Let’s Go Home: Finding There While Staying Here, and now as I launch Beneath The Veil, I am again being asked similar questions.”This doesn’t feel like a made-up story, so do you believe in the possibility […]

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Reader Reviews ‘Beneath The Veil’

​Receiving book reviews from readers is one of the most exciting, yet terrifying aspects of sharing a book with the world.Fear sought to derail me, by activating my fears of failing, of not being good enough, of being rejected. I felt doubt plaguing me, wanting me to immerse myself in its discomfort. Yet I knew, […]

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I Am Clara

I am Clara and I connected with Bernadette to share my story in Beneath The Veil.For so long I hid myself beneath the veil, hiding my true self, afraid to reveal her to my Self to the world. I was taught from an early age to keep my mouth shut, to keep the peace, to […]

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