I am Clara and I connected with Bernadette to share my story in Beneath The Veil.
For so long I hid myself beneath the veil, hiding my true self, afraid to reveal her to my Self to the world. I was taught from an early age to keep my mouth shut, to keep the peace, to know my place. And in my world, my place was always subservient to the patriarch. I lived by the rules of my father, my brother, the Parish Priest, my husband and the rich landholders.
I silenced my voice.
I suffocated my truth.
I lost my power.
I allowed myself to be disempowered by others.
My story of abuse-physical, sexual, mental and emotional at the hands of male family members, the clergy, my husband, is not unique. Sadly, it is a story that all women know, all women can feel it within their cells, because even if it is not your own story, it is that of your friend, sister, mother, grandmother, cousin, neighbour – you know this story because it permeates your life.
It is what we do with the story that matters.
I have not shared my story so that you feel sorry for me. I am not a victim. I do not share my story to enable you to be a victim. I do not share my story for you to say Me Too and stay disempowered by your story. I share my story so that other women may be inspired to rise from theirs and reclaim their power.
It is in rising into our truth, opening our hearts and living from a place of love that we transform and in turn transform all.
I invite you to share my story.
Click on the link below to download Chapter 1 of Beneath The Veil.