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Welcome to Emotional Energy Exchange.
I’m Bernadette O’Connor and I’m excited that you are here!
Please take a look around and prepare to be transformed!

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My Blog – Grab a Coffee & Come Inside


There lies within all women a hidden story. A story so deeply

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​The little girl with the veil. Shoulders back, eyes lowered. Reverent. Silent. Fearful.​1983,

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What If I Fall? Oh My Darling. What If You Fly?

Erin Hanson


Bernadette is my ‘go to girl’ when I am feeling stuck. Whether it is in my relationships, my business or just within myself. I know when I am feeling like this, Bernadette can help me identify where these blocks are coming from, even if it is from my childhood, my ancestors or even past lives! Even though I don’t always understand what is going on, on one level, on some other level, everything always makes so much sense. And because of this, I am better able to understand my behaviours and why I am getting stuck in the way that I am.
As the energy blocks are shifted, I have a much greater awareness of myself and where my old thoughts, beliefs and behaviours are coming from and so I am in a much better position to create massive changes in how I live my life and come back to my true self. The alignment to my goals that comes from Bernadette shifting energy makes these life changes so much easy to do and means that I can live my life so much more authentically – and that feels really good.
To say a session with Bernadette is life changing is an understatement. From my experience, my sessions with Bernadette have been life defining!

Deborah Sydney


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